oh how adorable. at first I thought my favorite was with the upside down jungle gym, but then I thought walking the dog, but then I thought "gray day" and now I'm just not sure at all!! damn that we don't have any more wall space. but i might just have to make some room. gorgeous. thanks for sharing!
Welcome! My name is Megan. I live in Chicago with my wonderful boyfriend, Norman, and our chocolate lab, Tootsie. I work as an in-house graphic designer, but my true love is stationery and invitation design. My favorite part of the process is helping people bring their ideas to life and designing for an individual rather than to the masses. Mulberry & Marie specializes in creating custom wedding invitations and correspondence. My designs are full of personality, sophistication and are unique and whimsical. Please let Mulberry & Marie help make your special occasion perfect. Feel free to email me with questions at megan@mulberryandmariedesign.com.
The Mulberry and Marie blog will feature current projects I'm working on and will most of all, be a source of inspiration. Please enjoy!
oh how adorable. at first I thought my favorite was with the upside down jungle gym, but then I thought walking the dog, but then I thought "gray day" and now I'm just not sure at all!! damn that we don't have any more wall space. but i might just have to make some room. gorgeous. thanks for sharing!